The Rich Young Ruler

Mark 10:17-22

The parable of the rich young ruler is a well-known story found in the New Testament of the Bible. It is told in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and it illustrates the importance of placing our faith and trust in God above all else.

In the story, a young man approaches Jesus and asks him what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him to follow the commandments, and the young man claims to have kept all of them since he was a child. Jesus then tells him to sell all of his possessions and give the money to the poor, and to follow him.

The young man is hesitant and saddened by this request, for he has many possessions and does not want to give them up. Jesus then explains to him that it is difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven, as it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.

This parable teaches us the importance of putting our faith and trust in God above all else, even our material possessions. It reminds us that it is not our wealth or earthly possessions that will bring us eternal life, but rather our relationship with God and our commitment to following his teachings.

The parable of the rich young ruler serves as a reminder to all of us to prioritize our relationship with God and to trust in his plan for our lives. It encourages us to let go of our earthly attachments and to follow Jesus with all of our heart, mind, and soul.

Lessons from the parable of the rich young ruler.

  • So near but yet so far.

  • So rich but yet so poor.

  • So good but yet so bad.

  • So wise but yet so foolish.