The Wise Men

The three wise men, also known as the three kings or the three Magi, are an important part of the Christmas story. They are mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible, and their story has been told and celebrated for centuries.

According to the Bible, the three wise men were astrologers or magicians who lived in the East and followed a star that led them to the birthplace of Jesus. They arrived in Bethlehem bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for the newborn baby.

The wise men were led to Jesus by the star, which they believed was a sign of his divinity. They came to worship him and offer their gifts as a sign of their devotion and respect. When they arrived, they found Jesus in a manger, and they fell to their knees in worship.

The story of the three wise men is an important part of the Christmas tradition, and it serves as a reminder of the significance of Jesus as the Son of God. It also teaches us about the importance of devotion and worship, and the value of offering gifts and acts of service to those we hold dear.

The three wise men are a symbol of hope and joy, and their story has inspired generations of people to seek out and follow Jesus. They remind us to open our hearts and minds to the possibility of the divine, and to seek out and follow the guidance of God in our own lives.

  1. Gold as a tribute to a king

  2. Frankincense as an offering to God

  3. Myrrh as spices for burial